2025 Commitment Appeal

Support Your Parish Community
Ways to Give
Annual Giving Commitment

Weekly or Monthly Contributions

"It's not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving."

-- Mother Teresa

As a member of St. Alphonsus Parish and School, you are asked to provide financial support of the Parish.  We appreciate everyone who helps us meet our mission to emulate Christ through the sacraments and send forth disciples to minister to the world.  The request letter for 2025 request letter will be mailed on October 11.  You can pledge your support by returning the card at the bottom of the letter, either via mail or in the weekend offertory basket.  You may also wish to provide your commitment electronically by clicking on this link  https://forms.gle/BZHSL5wk46FEwNEn9

No matter how you provide this important information, please do so as soon as possible so we can begin to set our budget for the 2025-26 year.   

Give Online

Your support of our parish allows our ministries to continue:

Celebration of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist each weekend
Ministries to the Poor, through our Food Pantry and Community Meals Program
Formation of our Children, Youth, and Adults


Whatever amount you are able to give toward the work of the parish in 2025, your continued generosity is most appreciated and will allow our parish to be faithful to our mission and fund our vital ministries. Working and praying together, we are grateful!


Contribution from Your IRA

Consider a Qualified Charitable Contribution from Your IRA!

If you are over 70 ½, consider donating your annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) to St. Alphonsus Parish!  The Qualified Charitable Contribution could be tax free, and not considered as income, regardless of whether you itemize or take the standard deduction.  You can read more about this by reading Forbes The Best Way to Handle Required Minimum Distribution.

Please consult your tax advisor or financial planner to discuss your specific tax situation.



Stock Gifts

A donation of stock may allow you to transfer this asset to St. Alphonsus Parish without paying capital gains on the appreciation.  Consult your tax advisor for more details and information.  If you choose to make a stock donation, please contact the Parish Office for the name of the brokerage firm we use, the DTC # and the Account # for St. Alphonsus.  Ask for Kathy Jaeckels or email her at kathyj@st-alphonsus.org or 414-421-2442 x209

Parent and Child

Planned Giving

Gifts that are planned, in advance, as part of an individual's estate plan are known as Planned Giving. For example, when someone prepares a will, he or she is planning in advance to take care of loved ones and for leaving a legacy gift to an organization the individual cares about. After making sure your loved ones are taken care of, please consider a planned gift to our parish. Planned giving takes many forms: cash or stock, will or trust, appreciated property, charitable remainder trusts, life insurance, etc. Always consult a professional advisor on matters affecting your specific situation.



​It is estimated that more than 50% of Americans do not have a proper estate plan.  An estate plan, which includes a Will and often a Living Trust, allows you to control how your loved ones are provided for after your death; it can also create a lasting legacy of giving to your Church or charity of your choosing.

The easiest way to make a planned gift is to include a simple bequest in your Will.  If you already have a Will, take the time to review it to ensure it meets your present needs and fulfills your wishes.  Your bequest to St. Alphonsus Parish may be expressed in these words:

            I give and bequeath the sum of $______ to St. Alphonsus Parish for its general purpose (unrestricted) OR for a specific named program/need (restricted)


            I give and bequeath _____% of the remainder of my estate after all debts, taxes, expenses, and family bequests have been paid to St. Alphonsus Parish for its general purpose (unrestricted) OR for a specific named program/need (restricted)


Some ideas for restricted gifts: Tuition Assistance for St. Alphonsus School families, Catholic High School Scholarships for St. Alphonsus School 8th Graders, School Endowment Fund, Capital Improvement Fund, Food Pantry, Community Meals Program.